CS 1723 Section 1T, Summer 1998
Data Structures
CS 1721 Section 1T, Summer 1998
Data Structures Lab

This is the World Wide Web page for CS 1723, section 1T and CS 1721, section 1T, Spring 1998. It contains several links to important information about the course. The contents of this page will change over the course of the semester; be sure to reload this page often. If you are unfamiliar with using the Web, select the underlined or highlighted word "introduction" in the paragraph below (click the left mouse button while the pointer is over the word in Netscape, or use the arrow keys to highlight the word and press RETURN in lynx). This will start you off on how to use the Web and other computer systems at UTSA.

Read my introduction to using computers at UTSA for information about how to use the web browsers, read and post news, compile programs, and get Linux software so you can do all that stuff and more at home.

Here is the syllabus for the course. It contains a description of the course, including percentages for tests, assignments and so forth.


Notes from selected class lectures:

Our class newsgroup is utsa.cs.1723-1.d . Go there for discussion of our class, and contribute if you like. You can also use the Unix program trn to read the newsgroup. (You can only read this newsgroup from a UTSA machine.)

Here is UTSA's official Web page . Remember, July 8, 1998 is the last day to drop this class (or any other 10-week summer class) and receive an automatic grade of W.

See the Division of Computer Science Web page for information about CS at UTSA.

This page was put together by the instructor, Daniel Jimenez (djimenez@ringer.cs.utsa.edu).