HW 0 for CSCE 413/713 - Software Security Due: 20 January 2020 by 8:00am ************************************************************* * this is the ONLY assignment you will ever submit by email * ************************************************************* Read the syllabus [15 minutes] Setup Mailvelope for email security. [10 minutes] https://www.mailvelope.com Mailvelope is an easy-to-use web-browser extension which brings OpenPGP encryption to webmail services such as Gmail™, Yahoo™ and others. *Don't forget to upload your public key to the Mailvelope keyserver!* Add Dr. Ritchey 's public key to your Mailvelope keystore [2 minutes] http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/ritchey/Philip%20Ritchey%20(0x92939A1C)%20pub.asc Read "How to Read a Paper" by Srinivasan Keshav [15 minutes] 2 pages https://blizzard.cs.uwaterloo.ca/keshav/home/Papers/data/07/paper-reading.pdf Construct a list of 3-5 papers you find interesting or valuable in the field of software security. [1 - 2 hours] Source the papers from "good" conferences and journals. Some people rank them: http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/guofei/sec_conf_stat.htm http://homepages.cs.ncl.ac.uk/changyu.dong/ranking.html http://jianying.space/conference-ranking.html Use the library! https://library.tamu.edu/ Google Scholar is useful, too. Make sure the full text is available. It _is__not_ required that you have already read the papers. Perform Keshav's First Pass: title, abstract, intro, headings, conclusion It _is_ required that you think the paper is (or might be) good/worthwhile. Submit your list of papers by *SECURE* email before 8am on 20 January. Give full reference with URL, e.g. Dorothy Denning. "A Lattice Model of Secure Information Flow." Communications of the ACM, vol. 19, no. 5, May 1976, pp. 236-243. http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse590s/02sp/secure-information-flow.pdf *Must be ENCRYPTED and SIGNED.* *Your public key must be on the Mailvelope keyserver or attached to the email* You will receive an encrypted and signed ACK in reply. Need help? Don't forget about office hours and Piazza! Note to 713 students: now is a great time to start looking for a classical/seminal paper in security for your annotation project. [OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED] Turn on 2-Factor Authentication for everything you can NetID, Google, GitHub, Slack, banking, etc.