PRE-REQS -------- Ubuntu 14.04+ (e.g. in a VM) Install KLEE Docker Image ------------------------- 1) Install Docker $ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common $ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - (optional) $ sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 $ sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce 2) Get the KLEE Docker image $ sudo docker pull klee/klee 3) Create and enter a KLEE Docker container $ sudo docker run -ti --name=my_first_klee_container --ulimit='stack=-1:-1' klee/klee 4) You are now klee@ Do "stuff" $ pwd $ echo "int main(int argn, char** argv) { return 0; }" > test.c $ clang -emit-llvm -g -c test.c -o test.bc $ klee --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime test.bc $ ls $ exit 5) You are now back to being yourself 6) Restart the container $ sudo docker start -ai my_first_klee_container 7) Do "stuff" and then exit the container 8) When you want to delete the container $ sudo docker rm my_first_klee_container First Tutorial -------------- 0) KLEE tutorials: 1) Open "First tutorial: Testing a small function" ( 2) Create and enter a KLEE Docker container, e.g. $ sudo docker run -ti --name=klee_tutorials --ulimit='stack=-1:-1' klee/klee 3) (optional) If you don't like Vim, install nano $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo apt install nano spell [sudo] password for klee: klee 4) Choices... A) $ cd klee_src/examples/get_sign/get_sign.c B) $ cp klee_src/examples/get_sign/get_sign.c . C) $ nano get_sign.c 5) Either way, be in the same directory as get_sign.c now and READ THE CODE $ cat get_sign.c 6) Think: What test cases would you write to check get_sign's correctness? Hint: you should have 3 $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include -emit-llvm -c -g -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone get_sign.c 8) Run KLEE $ klee get_sign.bc 9) Examine the test cases generated by KLEE $ ktest-tool klee-last/test000001.ktest $ ktest-tool klee-last/test000002.ktest $ ktest-tool klee-last/test000003.ktest 10) Think: What is the expected output for each test case? 11) Replay the test cases $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/klee_build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include -L ~/klee_build/lib/ get_sign.c -lkleeRuntest $ KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out $ echo $? $ KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000002.ktest ./a.out $ echo $? $ KTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000003.ktest ./a.out $ echo $? 12) Think: Are the outputs (return values) as expected? 13) Exit container, or don't, up to you $ exit Second Tutorial --------------- 1) Open "Second tutorial: Testing a simple regular expression library" ( 2) Create a new container or use the same one from the first tutorial. I'll use the same one. $ sudo docker start -ai klee_tutorials 3) Choices... A) $ cd klee_src/examples/regexp/Regexp.c B) $ cp klee_src/examples/regexp/Regexp.c . C) $ nano Regexp.c 4) Either way, be in the same directory as Regexp.c now and read the code $ cat Regexp.c 5) Think: What test cases would you write to check Regexp's correctness? Estimate: how many do you expect there should be? 6) Compile get_sign.c to LLVM bitcode $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include/ -emit-llvm -c -g Regexp.c 7) Execute the code with KLEE $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new -max-time=60 Regexp.bc 8) Examine the test cases and additional information generated by KLEE $ for file in klee-last/*.ktest; do ktest-tool $file; echo; done $ cat klee-last/test000008.ptr.err # your test case number may be different $ cat klee-last/test000009.ptr.err # your test case number may be different 9) Think: trace the execution of one of the error test cases (8 and 9, for me) Do you see the out-of-bounds memory reference? 10) Fix the test harness to make re null-terminated: re[SIZE - 1] = '\0' $ cp Regexp.c Regexp2.c $ nano Regexp2.c 11) Re-run KLEE $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include/ -emit-llvm -c -g Regexp2.c $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new -max-time=60 Regexp2.bc 12) Fix the test harness to use klee_assume: klee_assume(re[SIZE - 1] == '\0'); $ cp Regexp.c Regexp3.c $ nano Regexp3.c 13) Re-run KLEE $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include/ -emit-llvm -c -g Regexp3.c $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new -max-time=60 Regexp3.bc 14) Exit container, or don't, up to you $ exit Third Tutorial -------------- 1) Open "Solving a maze with KLEE" ( 2) Create a new container or use the same one from the first tutorial. I'll use the same one. $ sudo docker start -ai klee_tutorials 3) Choices... $ cd ~ $ mkdir maze $ cd maze A) $ wget -O maze.c B) $ nano maze.c 4) Either way, be in ~/maze now and read the code $ nano maze.c # syntax highlighting makes it easier If you downloaded it, #include and fix the spelling errors 5) Play the game yourself $ clang maze.c -o maze $ ./maze You have to specify the instructions all at once, then hit return to go 6) Add KLEE annotation to mark the input "program" as symbolic Change line 72: - read(0,program,ITERS); + klee_make_symbolic(program,ITERS,"program"); Add KLEE header: #include 7) Compile code to LLVM bitcode $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include/ -emit-llvm -c -g maze.c 8) Run KLEE $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new maze.bc 9) Check out the test cases $ for file in klee-last/*.ktest; do ktest-tool $file; echo; done 10) Make it easier to find the interesting test cases Insert klee_assert(0); under printf ("You win!\n"); This was on line 106 for me. Add #include 11) Recompile and run KLEE $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include/ -emit-llvm -c -g maze.c $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new maze.bc 12) Which test case is also an error? $ ls -1 klee-last | grep err 13) Examine that test case $ TEST="klee-last/$(ls -1 klee-last | grep err | cut -d . -f 1).ktest" $ ktest-tool $TEST Note the length of the solution. Seems a bit short, right? 14) Run that test case (if you haven't done this yet) $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/klee_build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ clang -I ~/klee_src/include -L ~/klee_build/lib/ maze.c -o maze -lkleeRuntest $ KTEST_FILE=$TEST ./maze That's SNEAKY!!! 15) Find all possible solutions $ klee --only-output-states-covering-new --emit-all-errors maze.bc $ for file in $(ls -1 klee-last | grep err | cut -d . -f 1); do ktest-tool klee-last/$file.ktest; echo; done 16) Think: which line in the code makes the "cheat" possible?