Sin 16 Activity --------------- 0) be on a linux VM, e.g. Ubuntu 1) make a world-readable file that only root can edit: $ sudo touch root_only_log $ sudo chmod 644 root_only_log $ ls -al -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Nov 11 21:32 root_only_log 2) download - 3) rename, read, make executable $ mv $ nano $ chmod u+x 4) run it as unprivileged user: $ ./ [FAIL] unable to do the root thing [INFO] drop_privileges: running as ubuntu/ubuntu [SUCCESS] unable to do the root thing 5) run it as root: $ sudo ./ [SUCCESS] did the root thing [INFO] drop_privileges: running as root/root [FAIL] still able to do root thing 6) add the code required to drop privileges # TODO: if current user is already not root, warn and return # TODO: get user and group IDs from input user and group names # TODO: try to set uid and gid (drop privileges) 7) run it as root: [SUCCESS] did the root thing [INFO] drop_privileges: running as nobody/nogroup [SUCCESS] unable to do the root thing Sin 17 Activity --------------- 0) be on a linux VM, e.g. Ubuntu 1) install pycrypto for Python3 $ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip $ pip3 install pycrypto 2) download - 3) rename, read, make executable and restrict access $ mv $ nano $ chmod u+x,go-rwx 4) run it: $ ./ -p password filename -w string $ ./ -p password filename -r string 5) prove that data is not protected $ cat filename string $ ls -l filename -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 12 Nov 12 07:26 filename 6) add the code required to protect the stored data # TODO: try to verify and decrypt the file with the password # TODO: append to file data # TODO: generate a new random IV (16 bytes = 128 bits) # TODO: pad the data to 16 bytes # TODO: derive a 32-byte key for AES from password # TODO: AES-encrypt the padded data # TODO: compute HMAC of IV|ciphertext # TODO: write HMAC|IV|ciphertext to file # TODO: set file permissions: u=rw 7) run it: $ ./ -p password protected_filename -w string $ ./ -p password protected_filename -r string 8) show that data is protected: $ $ hexdump -C secrets 00000000 0e 55 5b e2 2d 5c 90 f5 77 c7 59 13 75 e5 90 7e |.U[.-\..w.Y.u..~| 00000010 f6 e3 05 18 3c 21 e8 5b 90 69 b8 34 2f a7 69 62 |....>> import hashlib >>> h = hashlib.sha256() >>> h.update(b'correct horse battery staple') >>> h.hexdigest 'c4bbcb1fbec99d65bf59d85c8cb62ee2db963f0fe106f483d9afa73bd4e39a8a' 2) download a dictionary of common words/passwords * 3) crack this unsalted sha256 hash with a dictionary attack: * 8d7d5397f8842b4181d38bc57b85b9ff1860456f92872c43f991a904c45062d5 * try every word in the dictionary until hash(word) == target_hash 4) if you're clever, you'll make a dictionary of hashes so you don't ever have to recompute a hash (because hashing is relatively expensive) * dictionary[hash(word)] = word * write out to file * if target_hash is in dictionary, then dictionary[target_hash] is word s.t. hash(word) = target_hash - i.e. hash is cracked 5) crack these salted sha256 hashes: * e68e583b1007e61cf014ab7f4c885b49027cc696f06ca71f82d2b000695dd783 - salt = b'\xea$\xb3-' * ea477b2a180c34d58111abc83a05e2ff781658c78dafa8c0a6d7148fdedfcd18 - salt = b'\xf8\xe4>\xbc' * 92473147eb60560a6909134121c90b9879d010cc979f1d0c3c5552c6247c00c0 - salt = b'l\x11E,' * try every word in the dictionary until hash(word|salt) = target_hash - | means concatenation 6) crack this salted sha256 hash: * 033050ae8ea02d5550fcd6e0f169701588e314e0e012e44cc52e357800881c1b - salt is 32 bits and undisclosed - you should try to divide and conquer with the rest of the class - good luck!